Library Quote of the Week

Library Quote of the Week
Library Quote of the Week

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Let children under 13 use Facebook - Mark Zucherberg

Mark Zucherberg, founder of Facebook, has condoned children under 13 using the Web 2.0 application  as a learning tool. What do you think?


  1. Hmm...To be honest if I had kids I'd be reluctant to let them go on FB until they understood normal social interaction first and to be wary of advertising, strangers, and peer pressure nonsense. It takes a long time to recognise the power of these things, and besides; I dont think skipping FB until they're 13 would do them any harm. Whatever about gaming, to say that FB has much educational value is piffle. Zuckerberg just wants everyone on there passively absorbing adds and making him money.

  2. No way. A child of under 13 on facebook. Is Zuckerberg mad.It bad enough having 14 and 15 year olds on facebook. I agree with pitseleh. Zuckerberg just wants to line his pockets.
